Gentlemen Of The Dragon  

Self Development Through Brotherhood

Dear Gentleman Of The Dragon,

Welcome to the Attraxion Playhouse.

My name is Ryan and this is your personal invitation to join this exciting new initiative for inspired men.

A space for you to expand, to uncover hidden aspects of yourself and to explore your authentic expression in the form of unleashing your inner Dragons.

What To Expect From GOTD

Being a member, Gentlemen Of The Dragon brings you into the fold so keep an eye on your inbox. You will receive occasional invitations to various opportunities to connect with myself and the community. I will also share free tools and resources you may find interesting and useful.

As things evolve, I will be hosting ...

  • Workshops
  • Playshops
  • Mini Courses
  • Podcasts
  • Retreats

... and social gatherings based on what your personal needs and desires are over time.

The Supercharge

Identiying and working on areas you may be struggling with is one of the main objectives of this initiative.

Other perks will include...

  • Discounts For Events
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Collaboration Opportunities
  • Joining Our Online Communities
"I now realise that there's a way to be in my authentic magnetic masculine that not only makes me more visible to women who seem to be drawn in, but the myth that men are more sex driven than women has been busted! When a woman's true feminine fire gets ignited, it becomes insatiable! It's been proven time and time again since I learned how to embody my healthy masculine"

Know Thy Dragon

What are your inner Dragons?

The human mind is not separate from the human body.

For most people, these physically intertwined roommates hardly know each other, so it's no suprise that our romantic or platonic relationships may end up in a similar state of estrangement over time.

Thoughts become things. Our outer world is often a close reflection of our inner world.

Like a wild but loyal Dragon ...

The unconscious mind, usually in control 93% to 98% of the time (that's a lot yo!) is literally running the show from behind the scenes. Making micro (and macro) decisions multiple times a minute that magically trickle downstream into what your life actually looks like.

The things you do, the company you keep, the successes you achieve and certainly the failures. It may feel like it's all down to fate and all because of "things not going according to plan" when largely, it's your inner Dragons flying wherever and however they choose, relying on old familiar patterns, whether you're consciously aware of those patterns or not. Leading to behaviours that may not actually be healthy for you today, but the inner Dragons are extremely persistent.

Your inner Dragons are also responsible for your metaphysical energy, your vibe and your magnetism!

"The relationship a man has with his own body, his sexuality and his genitalia is a direct refleciton of how he shows up in the world and in the bedroom. Identifying and addressing the shame that comes with how the world sees men allows for the true nature of a man to shine through. He can then become more magnetic and attracts opportunities towards him, giving him greater choices in life."

Your Dragons are always communicating with the Dragons of the people around you.

That is what inner Dragons live for!

Connected to your autonomous nervous system, they are keeping you alive in the best way they know how. Programmed when you were an infant and partly from genetic inheritance. It turns out, many of those mechanisms may not be as useful to you as an adult. So how do you befriend your inner Dragons and convince them to shift something that's been automated for so long?

The first step is to identify how your Dragons actually think. Safety and protection are their utmost priority which means they also fluently speak the languages of anger, shame, control, fear, self isolation, limiting beliefs and irrationality.

You are encouraged to get to really understand your Dragons so you may start having more fun, live your life more fully and feel more in control of where your Dragons are headed and how they react in each moment.

Fly the Dragons rather than allowing the Dragons to fly you!

Gentleman Of The Dragon

Gentlemen Of The Dragon are a community of men seeking to be part of an empowering brotherhood that is free of judgement. A dynamic collective of like-minded guys who value authentic connection, mutual support, personal development and crave positive impact in their lives and for those around them.

In a world that is very masculine, where in order to get ahead, men today may be confused as to what healthy masculinity looks like, usually to the detriment of their careers, their personal lives and romantic relationships, or lack thereof.

Gentlemen Of The Dragon, brought to you by The Attraxion Playhouse provides a safe space where a powerful balance between Yin and Yang can be explored on a personal level and within a supportive community.

"Before I knew it, I was a 27 year old virgin man, struggling with life and unfortunately struggling to make friends or any sort of new friendship. The loneliness just seemed to be my way of life at this point. No partner and definitely not sexually active. Watching all my friends flourishing around me in relationships and marriages,

Ryan managed to guide me from that dark void to my first time with a woman.

I'm grateful for the guidance I received beforehand as I have heard some first times don't go so well and lead to instant regret. Thank you for lifting me up from the murky depths of self doubt. I am now a different man!"

Two Parts Of A Divine Whole

As a holistic life coach and consultant who prioritises the empowerment of the people in my life by providing safe masculine containment, I am offering personalised guidance and support. This incubator is designed to help Supercharge your personal life, your love life and your career. Just like the intertwined elements of mother nature, each part of the whole is affected by the other. 

It is not easy to grow a healthy garden if the hardened soil is dry and the waters of nature's flow are nowhere to be seen, despite the presence of sunlight and many seeds.

The aim is to help identify and improve the areas of your life where things have been stagnant, usually an area that someone else in the collective has already figured out so you can witness them in action.

Gentlemen Of The Dragon will also have the opportunity to attend online or in-person events with Ladies Of The Dragon and be part of the larger international community of both women and men.

"Like separate sides of the same coin, women and men are on the same page, just in different books. Both complimentary and equally as valuable. A one-sided coin is like a tree split down the middle, missing an entire portion of its being and its essence."

Gentlemen Of The Dragon

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Everything you see has been created twice...
First in someone's imagination, the second is what we see and experience!
What is your inner Dragon creating for you right now?

Ryan Koriya, aka The Soul Mechanic, is a holistic life coach and marketing consultant. He is also a charismatic dating, relationship and intimacy coach who has been organically helping bridge the gap between the sexes for over two decades. He has been empowering women and men using an accessible, conscious and personalised approach. Often drawing from his keen intuition, continued accumulated knowledge, years of experience and his education in fields such as relationship psychology, human behaviour, integrative hypnosis, public speaking, acting, all the way to branding, marketing, self development, spirituality and energy modalities.

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